March 20, 2018
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Readmissions are frustrating to patients and costly for hospitals. Medication adherence is a leading cause of preventable readmissions. SONIFI Health’s Pharmacy Notification feature alerts patients to onsite pharmacy services and allows them to self-enroll into bedside prescription delivery programs.
Patients who leave the hospital with filled prescriptions and proper usage education greatly reduce their chances of readmission. For example, a 2016 study of asthmatic children showed 78% reduced odds of a 30-day readmission for those discharged with their medications compared with similar patients who didn’t use the program.[1] Meds to Beds programs can provide both patient and operational benefits, but the success of a program is dependent upon significant participation rates and efficient implementation.
SONIFI Health’s interactive patient engagement system automatically informs patients of services and allows them to easily enroll themselves. Facility and EMR integrations then alert the onsite pharmacy. The efficiency of the process limits the staff and resources needed to get patients enrolled and pharmacies notified. In a recent study at a facility using this feature, more than 52% of patients enrolled themselves in the program.
“Hospitals can save thousands on each readmission they prevent but more importantly, outcomes are better when patients have their medications and are educated on how to use them,” says SONIFI Health General Manager, Bob Sullivan. “Our solutions are designed to support facilities in their care-providing mission.”
You can learn more about SONIFI Health’s Pharmacy Notification feature and how to impact health outcomes in our whitepaper: Boost Meds to Beds Participation with Interactive Patient Prompts for Fewer Readmissions and Increased Revenue.
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