June 27, 2018
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Patient Engagement Technology is designed to meet the care needs of patients. However, there are some benefits to interactive technology that extend beyond patient experience.
1. Happy, Efficient Workers
Nursing shortages1 make retaining and recruiting clinical staff extremely valuable. System integrations and streamlined, effective communication produce workflow efficiencies which can lead to more meaningful direct patient care, higher job satisfaction levels and better employee retention.
2. Reduced Hard Costs
Hospitals are still printing millions of pages per month2. Functional technology reduces hard costs such as the printing of education materials or menus and updating signage with changes as well as lowering the amount of service call charges or system management fees.
3. Additional Revenue Opportunities
Retail services, such as employee and visitor food purchases3, provide additional revenue. Continuous access to facility information produces greater awareness of onsite services increasing revenue at facilities.
4. Impacting Reimbursements
Higher patient ratings and better health outcomes can increase reimbursement rates and grow a health system reputation.
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